Smart Growth Awards



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Applications for Southeast Florida Award for Smart Growth Excellence Award are open!

The Smart Growth Partnership, a Southeast Florida Initiative, is pleased to announce that we are accepting nominations for projects that demonstrate substantial consistency with our Smart Growth Principles. We are seeking to review and recognize projects and policies that are using smart growth principles to improve communities environmentally, socially, and economically.

For complete applications instructions and guidelines, please download the application here.

Applications for the Southeast Florida Awards for Smart Growth Excellence accepted on an annual basis. These awards honor public-and private-sector entities that have successfully used Smart Growth Principles to improve communities environmentally, socially and economically.

Communities all over the United States are using the principles of smart growth to protect and enhance the natural environment while strengthening their economies. They are reusing previously developed land; providing more housing and transportation choices; preserving critical natural areas; and developing vibrant places to live, work, shop, and play. When properly implemented, these techniques can protect air, water, and land resources and make communities more attractive to businesses, residents, and visitors.

The SGP recognizes communities and projects that have successfully used the principles of smart growth to preserve and enhance their quality of life while helping to protect public health and the environment.  The SGP seeks to recognize projects, policies and communities that have used approaches that involve a broad variety of stakeholders and are innovative, yet could be replicated elsewhere.

Application for smart growth awards will be evaluated using a rating criteria developed by our Board of Directors based on the following Smart Growth principles:

  • Provide a range of housing opportunities and choices

  • Sustainable and efficient use of water and energy resources

  • Preserve, create or enhance open space

  • Create distinctive buildings and neighborhoods with a strong sense of place

  • Promote or foster mixed-use neighborhoods

  • Provide access to a variety of transportation modes

  • Design walkable sites, neighborhoods and communities

  • Encourage stakeholder, community and regional collaboration

  • Strengthen and direct development towards existing communities

Projects and policy/planning documents that we have recognized in the past include the following:

  • City of Hollywood Regional Activity Center

  • Brickell City Centre

  • Northwest Gardens Housing

  • Hallandale Beach Infill Housing Project

  • Dania Beach Nanofiltration Plant

  • City of Fort Lauderdale’s Sistrunk Streetscape Enhancement Project

  • Village of Palmetto Bay Downtown Master Plan

  • BrowardNEXT

Awarded projects will be recognized at the Smart Growth Partnership’s Annual Event, through press releases and at agency council or commission meetings (e.g. CRA Board, City Commission, etc.).  Additional appropriate venues for recognition may be requested by recipients.

In order to nominate a project, policy or plan that has been completed, implemented or is substantially under development, please complete the attached application, along with any supporting exhibits. Please demonstrate (in 500 words or less) how the applicant has significantly incorporated our smart growth principles into its vision, process or design. Also indicate if you are a member of the Smart Growth Partnership or if you would like to learn more about becoming a member.  Please send your application before the deadline to and

Note: the deadline for the awards application is July 1, 2025